Why is it I just don’t believe i can be the best?
No two people have the same experience, so the identities we connect to, the limiting beliefs we hold, and reaction to threats and stress are completely different. What triggers you, is an emotional record of the past. It’s your unconscious trying to protect you. Everyone has the opportunity, it’s only your mind holding you back.
How do I change my beliefs?
Firstly we find out what you want to be able to do better. A quick assessments of core beliefs quickly shows up the areas holding you back. I have 24 years working for small, medium, and large businesses working in tough sales environments. I have experienced the ups and downs myself. It is why I do the work with people like you because it was me.
What will happen in the session?
My processes are methodical and fast. Only requiring your attention. Look at the different aspects of your role, including relationships, resistances, poor habits. Then we just strengthen or delete the emotional connection holding you back. What is a situation without emotion? The answer is wisdom.
What happens after that?
Everyone is at a different level in the development process. I share a lot of my own personal experience and systems to help support the direction you are wanting to go.